We at Hillside Chiropractic, P.C. strive to provide you with comprehensive Chiropractic care with a personal touch. Developing a specific program of spinal care on a case by case basis, keeping in mind your individual needs.
Our unique blend of individual skills and practices, combined with the strength of a specialized facility provide a professional approach in the Evaluation and Treatment for:
- Automobile and Work related injuries
- Arthritis
- Back Strengthening and Conditioning Programs
- Massage Therapy
- Chronic Neck, Back and Muscle Pain/Spasms
- Disc Herniation
- Disc Degeneration
- Headaches
- Pinched Nerves
- Sciatica
- Sports Injuries
Our professional staff is trained and experienced in all areas of insurance administration, and will make every effort to facilitate your insurance information process. We accept Private Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, No-Fault, G.H.I. and participate in most Managed Care Programs.